
Ann Benson

“I am a lead teacher of 21 three- and four-year-old children. I have small groups of three to four children that attend science class with Maria Lucia Rojas each week in ongoing classes, three groups in all.  When Miss Maria comes to get her groups, they literally run to the door. They laugh, they giggle, they can’t wait for science class each week. ‘Is today science class?’ Last week, one of the children was still napping when she arrived. I thought it would be best if I didn’t wake him, thinking he could always go to the next class the following week. Somehow, he noticed from a deep sleep and leapt to his feet: ‘Don’t leave me, I want to go to science class!’  He was in tears over it! 

“I need to walk through the science room on my way to the office and I have observed how the children are literally on the edge of their chairs with the activities. They are engaged, happy, enthused. I told Maria that I only wish I had started with her science program when I was a preschooler; maybe I would have loved science too when I was in junior high and high school. Attitudes are formed in the preschool years that last a lifetime; my Montessori children will be ready for science when they get to formal classes because of Maria as a person, a teacher and because of her extraordinary curriculum.”

Onix Musiba

“My daughter began participating in Ms. Maria’s science class at her day school when she was 18 months old.  We simply thought this would be a fun way to intro­duce her to the wonders of the physical world.  What she has gotten out of it has been so much more. Her exposure to the scientific method has taught her to be patient and attentive, to think and problem solve, and not to give up on difficult tasks or problems out of frustration. We are also amazed about how much she actually takes away from the projects. At barely two years old, she explained to her dad and me how the heat from the sun melted the crayons we had left in the car and then told us that ice does the same thing. This is just one of many incidents where she has shown just how much she comprehends about the world around her. She is three years old now, and needless to say, still loves science class.”

Valeria Touledo

“Mateo will be very excited this week; two days in a row of science. It will be like a dream.”

Gesana Villegas

“Ms. Maria, Kai Li really enjoys science class. When she wakes up cranky and tells me that she does not want to go to school, all I have to say is ‘Today there is science class,’ which quickly cheers her up. Thank you for being so sweet to Kai Li.”

Rebeca Martinez

 “My daughter has taken science classes now with Maria for two years. I initially though that starting her at three years old might be too early, but I was quickly a great advocate of [Maria’s] classes. Even from the beginning, when my daughter had just started, her curios­ity was piqued! She would come home and want to repeat the oil and vinegar exper­iment, the volcano, and growing fish in the fishbowl. When I was scheduling my daughter’s extracurricular activities for this year and she thought that I would not schedule her for science, she started crying and said ‘No, please, I NEED SCIENCE.’ I am extremely happy that this simple class has energized her imagination.”

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