
STEM Interactive Programs
Our interactive registered early childhood programs are pioneering approaches to teaching the wonderful world of science. These programs offer an enjoyable and practical way to learn, and open doors for children to their first science experiments while taking advantage of their natural curiosity.
Children will discover how they can interact with their environment while encouraging scientific observation when they look at the world. They will explore scientific concepts such as phase changes, matter properties, chemical and physical phenomena, and sensory processes. The interactive methodology involves the complete scientific method, helps children to increase the capacity for sharing and for leading, and involves parents as well. It also helps to develop creativity, inventiveness, and self-esteem, because the children are encouraged to learn through exploration and experimentation by doing, enjoying, creating, and making contact with nature.
Through these captivating programs, based on STEM eco-friendly, hands-on interactive experiments and demonstrations, children shape their minds to think critically and creatively preparing their minds to build many more learning abilities that can be applied to other disciplines throughout their development.

The Little Curious One©™
is a unique program specifically designed for children ages two to three. At this tender age, children are growing rapidly and quickly developing physically, cognitively, and emotionally. They are very curious and filled with questions; there is much for them to discover and explore, and at this time in their lives, they will easily gain new skills. Many studies have shown the strong impact of early learning experiences on the child’s brain development and his or her future success. This exciting program is an early learning experience with crucial effects on children’s brain development and their ability to realize their enormous potential. The Little Curious One©™ introduces children to the wonders of science while having hours and hours of fun!

The Little Science Expert©™
is a unique full of fun program specifically designed for children ages three to seven. Children this age have a lot of questions, are avid learners, and want to keep exploring and discovering their surroundings. These experiments help establish social, learning, and thinking skills with which the little ones can start school with great success! In fact, Little Science-Expert©™, based on experiments and demonstrations, shapes children’s mind to think critically while helping children grow up to be happy, emotionally and socially healthy throughout their school years and beyond. With these playful, hands-on activities, children will learn the thrill of discovery!

This program has been designed and developed according to Common Core state standards (CCSS). The STEM lessons involve children in eco-friendly, hands-on experiments related to our daily life. Each topic is reinforced with specific activities as well as work pages. This program follows the scientific method, and includes parents as well. Children can see and realize that everything we need and use is found in nature. As a result, they grow up to appreciate the simple things, to care for and protect nature, while they learn scientific skills like observing, comparing, classifying, deducing and inferring: skills that can foster a talent for science, or be applied to other disciplines. This program makes science-learning fun while fostering foundational skills, and lifelong love for science and for learning.

Children will explore the magical world of science! They will perform fun, eco-friendly, hands-on experiments that will help them learn about the wondrous properties of matter by using a variety of methods. They will make mysterious colors and products, disappearing substances, jumping liquid bubbles, changing size of objects and all sorts of wonderful tricks.